Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Women, Cultural Appropriation, Racial And Gender...

Throughout this course we discussed the Jazz Age, cultural appropriation, racial and gender differences, and African Americans and Parisians during the interwar years. We looked at many African American performers and performances that had a huge impact on France’s cultural identity. After learning about all of this in class, I wanted to take my research further. I decided to research female foreign performers who have had a major influence on the Jazz Age in Paris. I decided to focus specifically on three foreign females, and they are: singer and dancer Josephine Baker, dancer Molly Spotted Elk, and dancer Ada â€Å"Bricktop† Smith. Each of these female performers had a large impact on taking the Jazz Age in Paris to another level. African Americans were responsible for bringing jazz music to Europe. Due to the fact that the people in Paris were far more excepting of colored people, many African American singer and dancers made their way to Paris to start their c areers and a make a name for themselves. There are few cities in the world that are more associated with jazz than Paris (Pelzer). Most of the time, African American’s in Paris were just looked at by Parisians as entertainers (Stovall). These African American were objects of Parisian curiosity and fantasy, and the audiences were very much intrigued by the exoticism that went into so many performances. These foreign entertainers became the backbones of the Paris Jazz Age (Pelzer). Josephine Baker is one ofShow MoreRelatedThe s Concept Of Cultural Odor And Fragrance And Girls Generation, And Nicki Minaj1281 Words   |  6 Pagesand Girls’ Generation, and Nicki Minaj reveal the same aspect of gender ideology: sexualized female commodities. 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