Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Summary of the National Response Framework

â€Å"Response doctrine influences the way in which policy and plans are developed, forces are organized and trained, and equipment is procured. It promotes unity of purpose, guides professional judgment, and enables responders to best fulfill their responsibilities. (NFR, January 2008, Page 8 and 9) This summary draws upon multiple documents from one primary source, the Department of Homeland Security web site. Upon examination of these documents it became clear that as our country faced more frequent and destructive disasters, the more collaborative our preparation, response and recovery efforts had to become; and to coordinate that kind of multi-systems response our first responders and decision makers would need a framework from which to provide a powerful unified response. That document is the National Response Framework. Researching and summarizing this document is a crucial foundation to understanding 21st Century emergency management in the United States. A Summary of the National Response Framework â€Å"To prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies, the United States Government shall establish a single, comprehensive approach to domestic incident management. † — Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 5 (NPR Brochure, page 2) The National Response Framework (NRF) is a 90-page guide to how the United States conducts all-hazards response.As a student exploring the field of emergency management as a career possibility, it is clear that the National Response Framework is the essential first-step to having a better understanding of how incident response will be conducted now and in the future. Furthermore, it is the fundamental directive on how local, state and federal preparation, planning, mitigation and recove ry will be forged, as well. So if one wants to be effective in emergency management, one must first become knowledgeable of this framework.The National Response Framework is guided by the input of hundreds of stakeholders, written for government executives, private-sector and nongovernmental organization (NGO) leaders, and emergency management practitioners to establish a comprehensive national approach to domestic incident response. The NRF works because it sharpens the focus on who is involved with emergency management at the local, tribal, state and federal levels and with the private sector and NGOs; describes what we as a nation collectively do to respond to incidents; explains how we are organized to implement response actions; and emphasizes the importance of planning.It allows first responders, decision-makers and supporting entities to provide a unified national response to disasters and emergencies. (NFP- Fact Sheet, page 4) This document is a result of twenty years of federal planning documents. The NRF was preceded 15 years earlier by a Federal Response Plan (1992) that focused largely on federal roles and responsibilities only. (NFP, January 2008, page 2) However, after the 9/11 attacks, urgent efforts were made to understand and implement common incident management and response principles to develop common planning frameworks.President George W. Bush directed the development of the National Respon se Plan (NRP) in Homeland Security Presidential Directive Number 5, in February 2003. It was published one year after creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Strategy for Homeland Security (Strategy). (NFP, January 2008, page 2 and 12) The NRP formed the basis for how the federal government would coordinate with state, local and tribal governments and the private sector during the response to a national incident.It was the cornerstone for the eventual maturation to the National Response Framework. The NRP brought together best practices from a range of disciplines including: homeland security, emergency management, law enforcement, firefighting, public works, public health and the private sector and integrated them into one unified structure. This unified structure provided the ability to coordinate federal support to state, local and tribal incident managers. (NFP, January 2008, page 12)President Bush’s Homeland Security Presidential Directive Number 5 also ordered the development of the National Incident Management System (NIM S), which continues to bring together federal, state, local and tribal emergency responders into a single system for managing incidents. The NIMS enables responders at all levels to work together more effectively to manage domestic incidents no matter what the cause, size or complexity. (Homeland Security Under Secretary Kicks Off National Response Plan Workshops In D. C. April 15, 2005)The National Response Plan was then renamed the National Response Framework in 2008, to better align the document with its intent. Stakeholders suggested that the NRP did not constitute a true operational plan in the sense understood by emergency managers but rather a construct for coordinated national incident management. The new National Response Framework is based directly on the NRP and retains much of its content. (NFP, page2) As mentioned previously, many of these systems developed as a response to the 9/11 attacks.The NRF is actually a requirement of the larger overarching National Strategy for Homeland Security (Strategy) that serves to guide and coalesce our countrys security efforts to achieving the following four goals: Prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks. Protect the American people and our critical infrastructure and key resources. Respond to and recover from incidents that do occur. Continue to strengthen the foundation to ensure our long-term success. The NRF obviously addresses the third goal.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

LM1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

LM1 - Assignment Example This is also evident as the book looks at how the public servants interact with each other in the organization and outside the organization (Denhardt, 2013). â€Å"This book is about human behavior in public and non profit organizations, schools, and healthcare organizations. Its purpose is to provide information and perspective that enhance our understanding of our own behavior and our ability to influence the behavior of others† .pg 1 The goal in this book is to look at factors which affect behavior of workers in any public organization. It also looks at how these factors affect practices in these administrations. This book also tries to examine modern-day approaches to management and leadership. Its goal is also to increase an understanding of the main behavioral principles which base the personal, interpersonal and public leadership skills. It tries to develop an appreciation on the importance of analyzing management issues at the point of an individual’s behavior and how this can influence action and analysis at the organizational level. â€Å"†¦To develop an appreciation of the value of analyzing management problems from the standpoint of individual behavior and how that perspective can augment action and analysis at the organizational level†. pg2 Cognitive knowledge is the mental process of knowing that includes awareness, judgment and perception reasoning (Denhardt, 2013). Cognitive knowledge of basic techniques is the first level of development skill in any area. However, this works well in combination of behavioral skills as people need these skills to enable them accomplish the technical moves. â€Å"The first level of skill development in any discipline involves cognitive knowledge or an intellectual understanding of the basic technical skills that the discipline requires†¦ But cognitive understanding alone is not enough. People also must develop the behavioral

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Intellectual and Property Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Intellectual and Property Law - Essay Example James and Jeremy find out about the conversation after they receive phone calls from all three manufacturers. They are furious that he has consulted external companies without their consent. Aim This paper aims to investigate the potential infringements of intellectual property that James and Jeremy owned and to provide possible remedies that are available to them and to provide a legal advice to them for the future course of action. Objectives In order to achieve the aim of this paper, the paper will has following objectives to achieve: 1. To study the intellectual property rights in United Kingdom 2. To study the possible infringements of intellectual property rights. 3. To investigate the remedies that the victims of intellectual property rights theft can avail. 4. To provide a legal analysis as to the case of James and Jeremy. 5. To develop a legal advice for James and Jeremy to follow in order to seek remedies from the United Kingdom Courts, if any. Intellectual Property Rights Laws in the United Kingdom The term intellectual property refers to the intangible creations of mind which are given physical form and contains or overtime develops financial value (Barney & Green, 2001). For instance, when a person visualizes a design and then creates it on paper or on computer program, creates an intellectual property. This intellectual property can be protected from copycats or thieves who can steal it and then reproduce it for commercial gains (Bimal & Kumar, 2012). The owner of an intellectual property has the right to protect it from any potential infringements and seek remedies for it in case infringement has occurred. However, not all intellectual properties can be directly protected. The Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) recognizes several types of intellectual property rights. These are: Patents, Designs, Copyrights, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Integrated Circuits, Plant Breeders Rights, etc (Gaff, Loren & Spinnery, 2012). Most of them have to be applied for their grant and rest of the intellectual property right do not require such seeking. Instead, they are automatically created. Patent is a right that is granted by the Government of a country for an invention. Design is a right that protects the aesthetic and visual appearance of a product. The design right acknowledges the right of its owner and provides an exclusive right to make, use, copy, import or export or assign the design for any purpose he may deem fit. Copyrights is a right that is created automatically. It is a right not to copy a work that has been created by an author and has been reserved its ownership with that author. Trade secrets comprises of confidential information, documents, secret formulas, or any private information that if leaked to any one can create substantial loss to its owners (Chapman, 1986). For instance, the Coca Cola recipe is protected as a trade secret and has not been leaked for over a century now (Breach of Confidence, 2006). In case any of its employees or management who are privy to that secret formula have revealed the actual formula or sold it to someone for commercial gains would have incurred an intellectual property rights infringement (Risch, 2012). In legal terminology it is known as breach of confidence. In English law, the breach of confidence is derived from the doctrine of equity. Thus, a person whose confidence in another