Monday, September 30, 2019

How Should Waste Be Disposed Of Environmental Sciences Essay

This research is to larn and open our head about the waste in our environment and how to cut down or dispose the waste right. This is of import because our Earth is acquiring covered with a waste. The article below show the cogent evidence. The UK produces more than 434 million metric tons of waste every twelvemonth. Every twelvemonth UK families throw off the equivalent of 3 ? million bus coachs ( about 30 million metric tons ) , a waiting line of which would stretch from London to Sydney ( Australia ) and back. On norm, each individual in the UK, throws off seven times their organic structure weight ( about 500kg ) in trash every twelvemonth. ? I would strongly believe the Earth would truly appreciate and thankful to hold homos who know how to cut down or dispose the waste with a right manner. Introduction The dumping of waste at suited sites around the state is the usual agencies of disposal worldwide. It may be the quickest and the cheapest manner to acquire rid of waste but it is non a solution to the job of waste disposal. Indeed, at times is has led to major catastrophes. Landfill is an operation where the waste is used to make full up digging or natural hollow in the land. A shit may be good served but non ever. In the UK, possibly 90 % of all waste including toxic and other unsafe waste is still disposed of by landfill. ? So we need to halt shit the waste and make a proper manner to dispose all the waste. This is to forestall the land H2O pollution. As a consequences, we need to recycle all the wastes. Recycling is a processing used stuffs into new merchandises in order to forestall waste of potentially utile stuffs, cut down the ingestion of fresh natural stuffs, cut down energy use, cut down air pollution, H2O pollution and lower nursery gas. The commence waste that we can recycle are fictile, steel, gum elastic, glass, wood, paper and so on. Different waste difference type and method of recycle. Plastic Plastic is one of the most material waste around the universe. Plastic is light weight and versatile, doing it an ideal stuff for many applications. When we recycle the plastic, we will cut down the volume of waste traveling into the landfill, reduces the sum of oil used for fictile production and reduces the sum of energy consumed. We need to recycle plastic because plastic can take up to 500 old ages to break up. One metric ton of plastics is tantamount to 20,000 two litre drinks bottles or 120,000 bearer bags.? Presents, the demand and used of plastic are acquiring addition. Most of them are seeking to alter the used of other stuff to plastic. For illustration, autos are progressively utilizing fictile constituents in an attempt to cut down vehicle weight and better fuel ingestion. Then, nutrient is being repackaged in plastic instead than glass or Sn in order to cut down weight and merchandise harm. Chameleon. Internet ( 2004 ) Waste Online, Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // Walter, J.K. and Wint, A. ( 1981 ) , Industrial Effluent Treatment, UK, Allied Science Publishers.. The considerable growing in plastic usage is due to the good belongingss of plastics. These include: Extreme versatility and ability to be tailored to run into really specific proficient demands. Lighter weight than viing stuffs, cut downing fuel ingestion during transit. Extreme lastingness. Resistance to chemicals, H2O and impact. Good safety and hygiene belongingss for nutrient packaging. Excellent thermal and electrical insularity belongingss. Relatively cheap to bring forth. However, the are a batch type of plastics such as Polyethylene Terephthalate, High Density Polyethylene, Polyvinyl Chloride, Low Density Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polystyrene and many more. Different plastic have different strength, stamina, denseness, runing point, life clip and utilizations. Some can be make for nutrient container and some ca n't because incorporate chemical and toxic. Some can be make for utilizing in high force per unit area and high temperature. The following tabular array illustrates the most common types of plastics used, their applications and the symbol which is frequently used to place them on signifiers of plastic packaging. Polymer Types Examples of applications Symbol Polyethylene Terephthalate Fizzy drink, H2O bottles, salad trays, medical specialty containers High Density Polyethylene Milk bottles, bleach, cleaners and most shampoo bottles. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipes, adjustments, window and door frames ( stiff PVC ) , thermic insularity ( PVC froth ) and automotive parts. Low Density Polyethylene Carrier bags, bin line drives, boxing movies. Polypropylene Margarine bath, microwaveable repast trays, besides produced as fibers and fibrils for rugs, wall coverings Polystyrene Yoghurt pots, foam beefburger boxes and egg cartons, fictile cutter, protective packaging for electronic goods and playthings. Insulating stuff in the edifice and building industry. Unallocated Mentions Any other plastics that do non fall into any of the above classs – for illustration polycarbonate which is frequently used in glazing for the aircraft industry Table 1. Type of plastic, application and symbol ? Plastic recycling procedure There are three cardinal factors when believing about how to recycle – The 3 R ‘s: Figure 1. 4 Recycling is an first-class manner of salvaging energy and conserving the environment because 1 recycled fictile bottle can salvage adequate energy to power a 60-watt visible radiation bulb for 3 hours. 4 To make the recycle procedure, there are a few stairss such as shredding, dividing, runing and remanufacturing. These are the common measure to make the recycle procedure but different type of plastic required different measure of remanufacturing. Shreding Figure 2. 4 Shreding is a cutting procedure. We will set all the fictile waste into a shredding machine and the machine will tear up the waste until it ‘s become little pieces or grain. WRAP ( 2008 ) Plastic type, Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // 4 FUBRA LIMITED ( 2003-2008 ) Recycle at place, Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // Separating Figure 3. 4 There are 3 phases of dividing. Blowing, drifting and centrifution. Once we finish tear uping all the waste, we will make a blowing procedure. This procedure is to take all the unwanted igniter stuffs such as paper labels and mulcts. Before the grains go into a floating procedure, it must travel into a scrubber machine. During this procedure, the grain will be washed with a particular detergent. This is to take the nutrient that might stay on the inside surface of bottles or containers, gum that is used at the label ‘s containers and any soil that might be present. After that, it will travel into drifting container. In this container, the grain will be drain with H2O. Then we will see that all the heavier grain like Polyethylene Terephthalate ( PET ) will be sink while the lighter grain like Polypropylene ( PP ) and High Density Polyethylene ( HDPE ) will be drifting at the top. So, we have separated the different type of plastic. The last measure of separating is a centrifution. This measure is similar with a blowing procedure. Melting Figure 4. 4 Once we done separated the fictile base on their group, we have to run it. Different group require different thaw point. For illustration, the thaw point for HDPE is 130-135 & A ; deg ; C while the thaw point for LDPE is around 110-115 & A ; deg ; C. After that, it will travel into a chilling procedure and will be cut to go a little flake. This flake is called ‘pallet ‘ . Pallet is a fictile natural stuff and this procedure is called ‘repelletizing ‘ . 4 FUBRA LIMITED ( 2003-2008 ) Recycle at place, Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // Remanufacturing Figure 5. Injecting mould 4 Figure 6. Calendaring 4 This is a last measure before the wastes become a new merchandise. Once once more, there are many type of remanufacturing such as injection mold, blow mold, calendaring, extruder, thermoforming and many more. Most of the plastic merchandises are made by injection molding. Example of the merchandises are fork, spoon, home base, bowl, toys, disc casing and many more. Blow mold is merely for green goods bottles and the calendaring is for doing a fictile sheet. Extruder is a procedure to do a long tubing or hosiery. Future development Plastic being used widely for our day-to-day needs – plastic bag, nutrient container, bottle, packaging, etc. Therefore, a batch of plastic is required and there should be new coevals, development and uninterrupted research to counterbalance with today ‘s life style. Invention is really indispensable to procure a strong hereafter for the interest of environmental protection and the sustainability of merchandises based from plastic. Therefore, technology company will be given to plan more sophisticated machine which can recycle the plastic with assortment of advantages in footings of quality of merchandise, cost of production and clip consuming. Beside that, we besides have to believe about a new merchandise made by plastic in order to replace other merchandise which have been made by other stuff such as steel. For illustration, auto organic structure. Currently, about 95 % of the auto organic structure in the universe utilizing steel and merely 5 % is utilizing C fiber. This is because, the cost to bring forth the C fiber is so high. As a consequence, we need to make a research to better the plastic capableness. Once we archive the hereafter program, we will be able to increase the demand of plastic. Stating that point, authorities may be can do an offer to purchase a fictile waste from people. As a consequences, people are seeking to maintain their fictile waste and sell it. In the other manus, we are non merely can cut down the waste but we manage to bring forth some gross. Decision Recycling is the best solution for waste direction and to derive sustainability stuff. It is non easy to develop new engineerings and methods for recycle. Therefore, allow us made usage of it sagely and pull off this waste decently even though the utilizations of plastic is acquiring higher. 4 FUBRA LIMITED ( 2003-2008 ) Recycle at place, Available at hypertext transfer protocol: //

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Discrimination in fairytales

What do you think about fairytales? Do you think about a pretty little princess waiting for her prince or a dark sensual world of make-believe that revolves around violence? I seriously doubt it's the latter. This is because fairytales have drastically changed over the centuries. The modern versions we know today were preceded by a much darker kind of story, one that played heavily on the ideas of superstition, the devil and violence. Genders weren't as heavily criticised. Heroines used to save themselves and others too, usually with brains or charm opposed to brawn. But at least they were trying. An example of this could be â€Å"Sleeping Beauty†, Perrault's version, where the Princess saves herself and her two children from her husband's evil stepmother, by cooking a goat; instead of one of the children as the ogress requested. Her husband then comes in to save her. She played a crucial part in the story: saving her children from the cannibalism of their father's step-mother. Cannibalism is certainly frowned on in society, but is in fact actually a rather common theme in fairytales: Red Riding Hood also originally included cannibalism. The Wolf left the Grandmother's blood and meat for the girl to eat. After she unwittingly cannibalises her grandmother, she sometimes strips for the wolf and gets into bed with it. He then either eats her or ties her to a piece of string. She usually escapes using her own cunning. This is quite different from the grandma-loving biscuit-carrying Red Riding Hood of today. It actually comes across as a story more about child molesting, or at the very least, lust. The story is sometimes seen as a parable of sexual awakening. The red cloak symbolises the blood of the menstruation cycle or the hymen, although earlier versions of the tale do not state the cloak is red. The anthropomorphic wolf can symbolise a lover, a seducer, a rapist, or a molester. This is clearly a rather different take on the Red Riding Hood than we're used to. It seems to be a rather mature disturbing tale. I don't think it's necessarily something we would want our children exposed to. But that was how they were originally written. At least until they were bowdlerised by the Grimm brothers. Fairy stories were originally gothic tales and scary stories about what might come and take you in the night; they were far removed from the Disney classics. The Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm, were born in Germany in the late 18th century. In an effort to preserve Germany's heritage and promote cultural unity, they collected a vast array of folk and fairy tales from their fellow Germans-mostly middle- and upper-class friends. Although their original intent was to preserve the stories exactly as told, one edit led to another, and soon they had given the stories a literary style and released them as Kinder- und Hausmirchen (Children's and Household Tales. ) Because their intended audience included children, the Grimms selectively bowdlerised the tales they published, notably removing evil mothers and replacing them with step-mothers (as in the case of †Snow White†), and removing implications of sex and pregnancy (as in †Rapunzel†). However, because standards of child-friendliness have shifted in the past 200 years, some of the Grimms' stories are now considered family unfriendly and the deaths written in them are considered to be shockingly violent. This was not the view at the time. So basically they took a fornicating girl in a tower, and turned her into a damsel in distress. This was not quite the same idea. This gave rise to the dependent needy princesses and maidens that feature so heavily in today's fairytales. These are characters that belittle everything that women fight and give their lives to achieve. And ironically it is the past stories that show less anti-feminism even though people were actually more sexist in that period. At least those women had some self-respect and the ability to plot, and in rare cases, use weapons. The blonde stereotype of women in modern fairytales is unparalleled. From a young age, it's almost as if we are being trained to indulge in the ideals of vanity and sexual dependence. Well excuse me†¦ but I'd rather not. It seems to me that this is the start of young girls' urge and desperation for ‘the look': this is something that many women will diet and exercise to achieve. Although as girls age they graduate off pretty princesses and onto fashion icons and models. I'm completely against this idea, partly because I'm a perpetrator of wanting ‘the look' myself, and the fact that I will never achieve it. In other fairytales, a heroine is willingly bound by a spell, whereas a male character may be cursed because he has refused to yield something, for example shelter, in ‘Beauty and the Beast'. If the female character is cursed unwillingly, she is cursed by a malignant character that is as ugly as her personality. This is the exact opposite of the maiden who is cursed. This amplifies the idea that beauty is idyllic and good and ugliness is evil and unforgivable. This isn't a very good role model for children and I find this interesting because it seems to reflect our desire for beauty. However, the reality is that women are not all beautiful and if they aren't, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are nasty unpleasant people. Some villains do have a sort of beauty, but this is usually a sharp-featured frightening beauty that terrifies the younger generation. A wronged women in a fairytale may take the form of a particular animal to escape an evil stepmother or an unwanted marriage. The animal they take is usually reflective of their main traits. For example a graceful and delicate woman may take the form of a swan or a doe. These are animals that are considered to be beautiful. Their fellow animals will provide some company and will somehow help the character to regain what they have lost. This animalistic form gives the character a connection to nature and separates them from society. They become wilder and less sophisticated, embracing a more instinctual kind of beauty. So characters have also gone from blonde to beast, the opposite of the current situation-where blondes prevail far more than beasts. Beastly women, however, are often considered to be connected the Devil, like ‘wild woman' who is the devil's offspring. Lots of hair or fur seems to show some relation to evil, perhaps as it isn't very attractive. This can be compared with the Elizabethan saying ‘Bush natural more hair than wit' which means that people with lots of hair or fur are supposed to be primitive, inferior, sexual and beastly. These weren't exactly desirable traits either at the time or now. Nowadays there seems to be a teeming population of blondes in fairy stories. An example could be â€Å"La Belle aux cheveux d'or† who had hair ‘finer than gold' that was ‘marvellously wonderfully blonde' and was ‘curly and fell to her feet'. This is a rather pleasing image: a beauty with long wondrously blonde hair. The story claims ‘you couldn't look upon her without loving her'. A rather amazing claim: that a woman or man may just gaze upon her and find themselves desperately in love with her, whether in a sexual way or not. This seems to be an illustration of the power possessed by mere appearances. The word blonde comes from the Latin ‘blandus' meaning charming. So in the past it had no implications of sex or great femininity. It also comes from the Medieval Latin ‘blundus' meaning yellow, which only serves to describe the colour not the appeal. In the 14th century, Chaucer began to use the word ‘blondinet' or ‘blondin', which was an affectionate diminutive. In fact it was mainly used for boys. Nowadays we don't think of boys being blonde in the same way girls are. Blonde began to become exclusively female and suggested sweetness, charm and youthfulness: everything a young princess would desire. Only in the 30's and 40's did the word acquire ‘hot' vampirish undertones and begin to be desired almost obsessively. The word blonde symbolises femininity and beauty; things that women crave beyond reason. However, the reality is that it's just a hair colour and that there are women of all hair colours- black, brown, red, grey†¦ white, if you count albinos- that are as beautiful as blondes. More disturbingly perhaps, in recent years the word blonde has been yoked with ‘dumb' to depict a particular character type. Not only is the heroine nearly always blonde, but she is always young. This seems rather ageist to me and isn't the sort of idea that we would want our children brainwashed with. Do we want them to idolise the youthful and not respect that the elderly can achieve things themselves? No. They should understand from a young age that you can't use people and that OAP's are not a step of the stairway of success, as people is fairy stories often do. The heroine never possesses great wisdom and seems to get things and assistance by flicking her hair and batting her eyelashes. Wow†¦ that's very useful. I don't think that that should be something that children aspire to be like. Intelligence and knowledge are more important than beauty, and fairytales seem to miss this. So the prince can slay a dragon, but can he win a game of checkers? I wouldn't count on it. It seems to me that in fairytales, only the villains seem to possess a decent IQ, as they're the only characters that use their brains or cunning to conjure up a scheme. Heroes rely on courage. I think it's almost sad that in the stories strength and beauty are idolised and seem to triumph over intelligence. This is similar today, however, if we think about how the bullies of the world act all big and tough, but aren't the brightest bulbs around. They tend to pick on the weak, so in today's world that would be the geek. Rather sad, don't you think? The stereotype of a maiden in fairy stories is dependent, needy and waiting for her happily-ever after. This is not exactly an image to aspire to. After all why would a woman need a man? She could get on perfectly well on her own. As the feminist saying goes, â€Å"A women needs a man, like a fish needs a bicycle. † However, I think this is a little extreme. Perhaps this dreadful stereotype of women could be remedied if half the time the women went out to save the men. Perhaps it would ruin the men's egos, but at least the women could be portrayed with a little self-respect and not a day-dreaming ditz who has the attention span of a goldfish. The 90's Disney movies tried desperately to do this. Ariel, Belle and Mulan who rush to the aid of their lovers are the examples of this. I decided to write about fairytales because there are so many issues surrounding them. I remember them with fondness from my childhood, and I would want to read them to my children and grandchildren. I think gender discrimination is a serious issue. Just because someone has an X and a Y chromosome or two X's, it doesn't mean they are any better than the other. I think feminism is a step too far in the other direction however. Being co-dependent isn't necessarily a bad thing. Men need women too. Fairytales show both sides of this as well. The prince rescues his princess as he can't live without her and the maiden loves the man because†¦ well who can resist a man on a white horse? Not me! They are simple stories that are debated hotly because of the context of them. Are they too violent? Are they too idealistic? Are they too perfect? Fairytales are all about love and romance. They are about good triumphing over evil in a series of unlikely events. They tell us of deeds of valour and bravery in a time that we can only imagine. They show us how a poor little maid can fall in love and become a princess. The characters may be seriously flawed and have many issues, but they are stories. Wonderful stories. Stories that we read time and time again so that we can dream of being that brave knight or that damsel in distress. I think that my childhood would not have been the same without Chicken Licken or the Princess and the Pea. I think that even though they are unrealistic and give people impossible expectations and dreams, they are a part of our culture. To edit them, as the Grimm brothers did, would destroy a time long-forgotten. I think that they still exist today. The royalty of today is the celebrities-actors and models. We look at them and wish we were like them, just as the people of the Renaissance would have looked at a princess and thought ‘I wish I was her†¦ ‘ Dreaming is in our nature and to change that for the sake of a few misconceptions would be unforgivable.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

My Last Duchess and La Belle Dame Sans Merci Comparison Essay

My Last Duchess and La Belle Dame Sans Merci are two poems that explore a wide range of power dynamics that result from love. Patriarchal power is a key theme that is explored in these two poems, with conflicting views on each. La Belle Dame sans Merci tells of a sorry tale of how a knight, a typically powerful figure, is cast away by a woman who had no love for him. This theme is almost mirrored in the other poem; however the other poem, My Last Duchess seems to exert a more male perspective, focusing more on patriarchal power. A women to Her Lover, seems to be a blend of the two poetic styles of the previous two poems, as it both states the various patriarchal powers, and then proceeds to tear down these beliefs, and also tear down the conventions which were typically seen as the norm of the day. The title of the poem is typically an indicator of what to expect from the poem, and in what vein it will be written. My Last Duchess is no exception as it immediately gives the reader a sense that the narrator, The Duke, see’s his late wife as a possession. He refers to her with the possessive pronoun ‘My’ to try, it appears; to regain a certain degree of control over her. This wanting of control is further explored when he says that ‘The curtain I have drawn for you,’ which portrays the sense that he feels he is the one who is giving others the right to see his wife. During the Renaissance (a period which Browning based his characters society as) was a time that was largely seen as patriarchal, and so the duke would typically want to conform to this norm. Furthermore, it may be this possessiveness that leads to his jealousy when she is seen as accepting a ‘bough of cherries’ from someone who he regarded as an ‘officious fool’. He also felt that she had a heart which was ‘too soon made glad’ and that it wasn’t only her ‘husband’s presence’ that she appeared to crave. These lines seem to be the Duke commenting on how her rather flirtatious and outgoing nature, not typical of women in that period, displeased him greatly. Furthermore, it seemed that he wanted her to end this affiliation with the other people, and this gave rise to the suspicion that he killed her, to end the constant barrage of seeming embarrassment and discomfort from his wife’s various exploits. In those days there were always certain classed that would always be prejudiced against. Therefore, this incidence could have been regarded as his wife trying to exert some egalitarian power, by making the ‘officious fool’ feel like an equal, and also by riding round on a ‘white mule’, something which was often seen as a past time of the poor, as they could not afford to buy a proper horse. This form of power did not seem to go down well within the constraints of the love relationship. The duke seemed particularly afraid of this form of power as he proceeded to mention the fact that he thought that she felt that she ‘ranked’ his ‘nine-hundred year old name’ with anyone’s ‘gift’. This shows that he feels that the social classes should stand as they are. This is quite ironic, as this is set in the Renaissance period where it was said that people were becoming more scientific and were ready to embrace new ideas. Thi s is at odds with what actually happens in the poem, with the man defecting to the typical view of women being ‘slaves’ to the men, but during a very socially obligated period. As well as this, the poem also manages to explore the power of love itself. This is shown with the infatuation of the widowed husband over the picture, as is demonstrated when the Duke believe that there is ‘depth’ in the painting, and that the women portrayed in the painting still holds some ‘passion’ for him. This could either be the power of the love, or, in fact, the power of the painting. This could, however, represent the actual mentality of the Duke, as he falls in ‘love’ with a painting of a woman who is deceased. This displays the underlying power of the love that had blossomed between these two individuals, and how the power of the painting was so influential that up to this point (in the poem), he still feels the attraction of the painting. However, this is at odds with what he says later on in the poem, written using enjambment to make it a more conversational style, when he talks about how he ‘tamed’ her, and rather uncharacteristically he uses a metaphor, perhaps to inject some frivolity into the proceeding so as to avert any fear of being caught. However, he also mention ‘I gave commands’, perhaps referring to getting her killed, and then he goes on to say that ‘all smiles stopped together’. This form of power could also be regarded as patriarchal power or perhaps more accurately as sheer male strength over the opposite gender. The poetic techniques used are also pivotal to understanding what types of power are being explored. A key feature used in the poem is the iambic pentameter, which is a meter typically associated with a more male poem, due to the stressed single syllable at the end of a line. This is often attributed to the fiercer and fierier poems, which are to be said with an earnest, thus it being seen as a more masculine form of rhyme. As well as this enjambment is used, meaning that all of the lines follow on from each other, giving the poem a more conversational tone. This is quite odd, as the Duke himself comes across as a very contrite kind of person, but this could be due to the Duke trying to appear more powerful in his own home, or estate, meaning hierarchal power is something that is quite high up on his agenda, probably because he feels that hierarchal power is the only way he could have got this relationship. Overall, this poem is mainly based on patriarchal power, and despite the fact that it does include a few instances of other forms of power, such as egalitarian power, patriarchal power seems to take an overbearing role. It is written from the perspective of someone very high up on the social ladder, and thus would include references to this form of power, inherited, or hierarchal power. La Belle Dame sans Merci on the other hand is a poem which almost admits to a person of rather high importance, the knight, being led astray by a woman. This poem is set in the medieval period. Various power dynamics are explored throughout the poem, mainly the various struggles between the desire of the man, and the simple want of pleasure for the woman. The atmosphere is largely controlled by the weather displayed in the poem. This poem first begins by thinking of the power of nature and how this seems to coincide with the mood of the narrator, creating a pathetic fallacy. He is described by the visitor as ‘alone’ and ‘palely loitering’, and to add to the rather sombre starting, the atmosphere is seen as in the winter, where the ‘sedge’ has ‘withered’ away ‘from the lake’. This displays how the rather somber natural world seems to effect on his recovery from his painful loss of his girl. The weather seems to dampen his spirits and this is almost confirmed when it says that ‘no birds sing’, or that there is no sign of happiness. This power is quite strong as it is unavoidable, and can have an effect on his love for the woman as he may ponder on the relationship more. However, this is only one power dynamic that may have an effect on his love for the woman, and his overall love outlook. This power is far less prominent in ‘My Last Duchess’ with the atmosphere merely created through the dramatic monologue. Also, the main atmosphere is created through the ranting of the Duke. A woman’s power over a man is not often accredited, however it is brought to light in this poem with the woman who he (the knight) see’s as a ‘faery’s child’, or in essence a woman with an abundance of beauty. This power of the woman over him may have resulted in him becoming quite ‘haggard’ and ‘woe-begone’ meaning his gradual degrading of state, because of his insistence that ‘she did love’ him, even though he believes she does, although she never explicitly stated those words, and this is backed up later in the poem when he admits she said it in a ‘strange’ ‘language’, which he believed said that she ‘love[d]’ him, even though it was quite plain to see that she did not in fact love him, but was there to be pleasured. This shows that the woman used her power to manipulate what was the result. However, another power that is used to some extent, is matriarchal power, on a more philosophical sense, as the knight imagines the lady wearing a ‘garland’ that could be seen as him trying to believe that the ‘sacred’ woman is still angelic, however, this is contradicted when he describes her as ‘wild’ and that he could only ‘shut her eyes with kisses four’. This shows that he had such an infatuation with his prospective wife that he looked past these slight niggles, as he was blinded by the power of love, which is essentially what under lied all of the events that occurred in the whole poem. The first poem on the other hand instead looks at the woman as someone who should be at the hand of the man to answer to his every need, not someone who should be able to have fun when she wants, and in this poem the woman is allowed to freely go, whereas in the first poem, she comes to an arguably, sinister end. Furthermore, in ‘My Last Duchess’ the woman is not given much power except those that come with the name, and of course her egalitarian power. Apart from this, ‘My Last Duchess’ has few similarities with this poem with regards to the way women are treated; aside from the fact that the knight believes she should be obedient to him. Strangely, it seemed that hierarchal power was of not much importance to the two, as despite the promise of power, the woman still left him ‘alone and palely loitering’. This was also unconventional, rather like most of the events that occurred in this narrative, where the woman didn’t jump at the option of gaining some power, but instead just left him. It seems that the woman was just there for the power of the promise of being made love to, but not hierarchal power. Instead this poem seems to focus only on the aspects of love, unlike the first poem which makes sure that the reader is aware of the hierarchal integrity that is needed. This is at odds with ‘My Last Duchess’ which focuses heavily on how the status brings power to the family, and it is essentially this that makes the Duke so incensed by the bad behavior of his wife. However, this poem doesn’t use the masculine pentameter, instead it has the last two syllables unstressed, which gives the impression of having a much softer, and morose feel to the poem, which is quite suited to the overall theme of the poem. This is in stark contrast to the more conversational, but still fiercer style of the first poem. Conclusively, the power dynamics explored in the first poem are far more diverse, and it appears that there are much more powerful components involved in the rather complex relationship, and it showed the power of the relationship that the man was ready to kill, or silence his wife. This is contrary to the second poem where the knight seems to be rather constrained and polite at all times, and in this case it is the woman who has control over the man, unlike the trends of the time. Overall, the power dynamics behind love in the first poem varies greatly; largely going down to hierarchal power, but the second poem is a relationship of courtly love, which is not based on true unabated love. The third poem is a strange mix of the previous two poems, with both patriarchal and matriarchal poems being discussed. A woman to her lover offers a refreshing insight into the inner workings of a woman’s mind. It begins by listing all the conventions, particularly how males usually dominate society. She openly attacks these conventions, by saying that if he wants to ‘make of [her] a bond slave’ then she simply ‘refuse[s]’ him. This is quite odd, as the poem was written at a time, when everything that she is trying to repress was actually the norm of the day, so it is seen as quite unconventional that a woman is being able to exert so much power of a man, by actively refusing to follow the current conventions of the time. This matriarchal power trying to quell the patriarchal power is evident. This is in stark contrast to ‘My Last Duchess’, where the main forms of power explored are those which are typically more to do with patriarchal powers, in a male dominated society. For example, the Duke feels that she should respect his ‘name’. However, this poem does bear some resemblance to the second poem, in the way that both seem to respect that women do have some power over men, however limited and unconventional it may be. However, this poem is largely egalitarian power, as it largely displays how men and women should be treated as equals, and this is demonstrated when she pleads to her lover, that she wants to be treated as a ‘comrade’, and a ‘friend’. This shows that this woman firmly believed that she was in an equal position to the man, and, despite it being said otherwise in the unwritten law of the land; the woman feels that she should be at the same level as the man. The narrator uses phrases such as ‘o husband’, and ‘I am yours forever’ to try and show that she has submitted to him, and to try and restore some order, with the male again being the more dominant one. This is surprisingly similar to ‘My Last Duchess’ as both women in the poems try to make them equal with the opposite gender, seemingly oblivious to the opposite gender. Another key aspect of this poem is the way in which it is written, such as organization, and poetic techniques. Firstly, it is written using enjambment, creating a more conversational style to the poem. This means that the woman does not appear to be dominating too much, and is, as a result, courting him on equal terms, emphasizing the fact that she feels that it should be a ‘level playing field’ for them. It is also quite clever in the way it manages to make the things that it is trying to crack down on come first and then it brings them down by saying what she would actually like. This is clever because it sticks in the person’s mind, and creates a stronger argument. The technique of enjambment is similar to the first poem, where it manages to create a conversational style so as to appear to converse with the other messenger, while realistically the Duke isn’t very sociable. However, none of these literary techniques are echoed in the second poem, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, which is probably due to the problem of both being written in completely different styles, with one being a more sorrowful poem, and the other being a more commanding and endearing poem. Conclusively, the three poems all share a variety of power dynamics that are all explored. The most common theme was that of which gender was more dominant and which gender was controlled. This was mostly explored in ‘My Last Duchess’ and ‘A woman to her lover’. Inevitably this led on to the topic of equality, and it is in this way that egalitarian power was brought to light. Even ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’ explored how the woman and the man were both equal as they could both enter and leave the relationship as they did please. However, poetic techniques were used to further enhance the message of the poem; with all the poems using a different poetic technique to enhance and improve it’s delivery of different love and power dynamics. In the end, the power of love seemed to encompass all the poems, as all three showed how love took control of the.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Elephant Man, Bernard Pomerance write a a comparison of two Research Paper

The Elephant Man, Bernard Pomerance write a a comparison of two characters in the play - Research Paper Example Merrick wanted to be normal as well. However, Merrick learns that modern medicine could not help Merrick. Thus on his return to London, Merrick is put into a hospital. By not curing Merrick, Dr. Treves realizes that perfection might not be what he had previously defined. Merrick wants to be normal, since he is considered a freak by the world. After finding out that he was not ever going to be normal, Merrick takes solace in the church and female friends. Although he wants a mistress, even his female friend must refuse. His disappointments in life are always challenged with graceful wit. As a result, Merrick finds that he has every normal human emotion available. Dr. Treves and Joseph Merrick do not reach their goals, but learn to live with the life given them. Merrick figures this out sooner than Dr. Treves. The doctor does not realize how much he is like Merrick until Merrick’s death. While Merrick had hours and hours to meditate on his life, Dr. Treves did not start thinking about his life until Merrick dies. Only then does Dr. Treves realize that he was just as crippled as Merrick. The only difference was Merrick had a physical deformity, whereas Dr. Treves had a mental deformity. Dr. Treves leaves the play with a better understanding of life through

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Politics of Professional Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Politics of Professional Practice - Essay Example Moreover, the consequences of their usage in the provision of healthcare to various stakeholders involved in the provision of healthcare have not been adequately explained. This paper will attempt to come up with clear explanations of the usage of support workers in order to foster the understanding of the impacts of their usage in the provision of healthcare to the patients. The paper will explicitly explain the roles of the support workers, as well as the risks posed by the use of the support workers mainly due to their lack of training. In addition, the paper will explain the regulation that has been put in place to regulate the activities of the healthcare support workers (HSW) and any regulation that should be put in place to regulate their future activities to ensure that their usage does not compromise the quality of healthcare provided by the NHS. The impact on the other stakeholders involved in the healthcare provision will also be explained. By so doing, we hope to have a c lear understanding of the different dimensions of usage of the healthcare support workers. The paper will mainly use the articles by the NHS, RCN and other relevant bodies, as well as the recent research findings to have a more recent perspective on the development of the issue of healthcare support workers. ... 4). The support workers in nursing healthcare are of significant important especially during periods where there is a shortage of the nursing students who have graduated from the nursing schools (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Treasury Committee - 2007 p. 76). Generally, the shortage of nurses is the main reason that led to the integration of the support workers in the provision of healthcare services by the NHS. The support workers help in easing the workload on the nurses and other healthcare providers by providing the healthcare services that can easily be provided by other parties. The shortage of the nurses was mainly due to the low pay nurses receive compared to other professions (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Treasury Committee, 2007, p. 76). The support workers perform several roles in the NHS; there are support workers who are involved in the performance of non-clinical activities, whose roles include catering, maintenance, and hotel services. In addition, other support workers are involved in clinical activities; they may be involved in the provision of primary care to the patients i.e. GP surgeries, provision of care in nursing homes, patients homes and walk-in hospitals. The support workers may also be involved in the provision of secondary healthcare to the patients, mainly involving the provision of healthcare services to the patients in the hospitals (NLIAH, 2009, p. 2). However, there has been a general evolvement in the work performed by the support workers perform, which was mainly done by either the doctors or the nurses before. The work performed by the support workers can also be categorized as primary care or secondary care. Primary care involves the

Database Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Database Security - Research Paper Example The DBMSs provide an interface that that enables users to interact with the database itself, other applications for capturing and analyzing data (Oppel, 2004). Database security is concerned with aspects aimed at protecting the contents of the database, users and owners. The protection ranges from system protection against software and hardware malfunction to intentional and unauthorized use of the database and unintentional access by entities not authorized. Databases may be exposed to threats in the form of loss of integrity, confidentiality, authenticity and availability. Most large databases face security challenges related to survivability, intellectual property rights and data quality. According to a report by the American firm Verizon, databases are at the core of any organization as they store confidential data and customer records, yet they are the most breached business assets (Kroenke & Auer, 2007). Data must be available at every necessary time, and it must only be available to appropriately authorized users (Elmasri & Navathe, 2010). It is also of critical importance to track users who access data and the data they access. Data authenticity ensures that data is edited by authorized sources and confirms that users accessing it are actually who they claim to be. Authenticity also verifies that outbound data is being delivered to the expected recipient. Through data integrity, external data is verified as having the correct format and the necessary metadata. Data integrity is also concerned with the accuracy and verifiability of input data as well as ensuring that data follows the correct rules of workflow for the organization (Kroenke & Auer, 2007). All changes to data and their authors must be reported as a compliance requirement for data integrity. Through data confidentiality, it is ensured that only correctly authorized users have access to confidential data. This ensures t hat the entire database is

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Motivation Profiles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Motivation Profiles - Essay Example Maslow (In Huit, 2004) refers to these needs as physiological. Ella's needs may also include safety or security or the need to be out of danger, but it is not necessarily so. She has not strived very much to the higher levels of education but just enough to get her a job. She is contented to be paid enough for her family's daily needs for food and shelter. As her family's needs grow, she finds that she has to move for promotion which she looks at in terms of bigger take home pay, but not necessarily bigger responsibility. The fight for promotion is tight at Ella's workplace. To be promoted, she resorts to giving gifts to her supervisor or persons having to do with promotion in her place of work. Like her, she thinks people primarily find satisfaction in material gain and she may find favor from her superiors. Ella is submissive to authority and represses her own impulses. In fact, her own idea of a boss is authoritarian. The hostile boss is not a problem to her if she receives a promotion (bigger pay). She is willing to forego much personal freedom in favor of a promotion that would assure her of food and shelter every month. She defers from Marcelo and Masoko in that her needs are very basic - just of the existence level described by Alderfer (1972). Marcelo Marcelo's needs may be said to occupy the two second higher level needs described in Maslow's hierarchy: belongingness and love, and esteem needs (See Huit, 2004). Marcelo is therefore expected to easily affiliate with others and be accepted. At the same time, he sees the drive to achieve at his level, be competent, gain approval and attain recognition. There is a strong need to be liked which may not be good in terms of decision-making (See McClelland, 1987). Status is a prime motivator to Marcelo. There is greater personal satisfaction in receiving praise or recognition with Marcelo and a promotion would realize these things for him. (See McClelland, 1987). Marcelo believes that promotions are given in exchange for something given, not necessarily hard work. It is a give and take situation. So he tries to praise his supervisors, do as he is ordered without any complain that he may be liked. In exchange for pleasing his boss, he believes he is working for promotion. For all his investments in gaining approval and at the same time being affiliative with his supervisor, he expects that promotion is in store. Marcelo has been toeing every rule given in his workplace, conscious that every broken rule requires a punishment and farther away from attaining a promotion. Therefore, he keeps quiet and never questions whatever policies he disagrees with. His needs, however, are higher than that of Ella's. He needs affirmation and affiliation over and above mere biological needs. Marcelo may be said to be other-oriented in that his work life involves relationships with significant others. He is satisfied by mutually sharing thoughts and feelings, and that acceptance, confirmation, understanding, and influence are elements important to him (Alderfer, 1972). Masoko Masoko sees more freedom in thinking than Ella and Marcelo. His actions are governed by the interplay of possible

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17

Case study - Essay Example On its part, the media is used by the government to control the public. The public on the other hand has become obsessed to TV from which government publicity is generated. Some common events designed on media to gain publicity are in the form of planted, manufactured or non-spontaneous news. Some practices in public relations are timeless like the carrying of a bible as a prop particularly in enhancing the seeming worthiness of a leader. The true application of public relations as self-conscious managing art and occupation was through the 20th century ideas of Bernays aimed at influencing the opinion of the public on commodities through the use of psychology. This strategy worked for both Proctor & Gamble Ivory soap and American Tobacco Company through selective use of powerful symbols to correlate with the selling. Today, public relations practitioners seek to achieve an essential moment that representatively engraves in the mind of the public. The most recent defining moment was t he bombing of the world trade center in 9/11 involving Rudy Giuiani who survived the blast by escaping from debris. In conclusion, public relation is an inseparable part of management’s major decisions given that one has to consider the perception of the public on the decisions. Public relations are not without drawbacks since some use it to cover up for their misgivings which then call for the public to be keen in examining their public servants (case study

Monday, September 23, 2019

Robert McNamara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Robert McNamara - Essay Example 2 The president relied on him very much for advises ranging from the issues of national security to business matters. In 1961, he initiated a program to increase the warfare capability of the US forces, after reviewing the major challenges that were facing the forces. Out of this review, he created two institutions in the defense forces, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Defense Supply Agency. 3 These institutions were created to enhance the effectiveness on the defense forces to counter the effects of communism. Since the communist wars avoided direct military confrontations and resulted to ambush and guerrilla warfare, the institutions were meant to train and equip the military personnel as well as the US allies on the tactics to counter the communist wars. One such ally was he South Vietnam. The lessons to learn from Robert McNamara on wars can be traced back to the Cuban missile crisis.4 He played a major role helping in the administration and eventual calming of the Cuban crisis. Instead of a counter reaction, which would entail a missile strike, Robert McNamara opted for the blockade option. This was eventually agreed upon as the best method to address the crisis by the then Joint Chief of Staff, through his influence. During his tenure in office, he served to strengthen the forces, through the expansion of the regular armed forces, as well as calling on the reserves to join active duty. 10His was tenure of preparation for war, committing billions of dollars to the military department spending, overseeing the inceptions of millions of nuclear weapons and orchestrating sales of arms in foreign countries. 6 His role in the war dates back to the increase of war advisers in the war of Vietnam, from the 900 that was already there to a tune of 16,000. These advisers in the war of Vietnam were not supposed to engage in active combat, but rather meant to offer training to the army of Vietnam.13 Initially, the US did not play a military role in the Vietnam W ar. It offered financial and military advise to South Vietnam army in order to resist the re-union that was being sought by the communist North. Active US military combat in the war of Vietnam came into being during the tenure of Robert McNamara as the secretary of defense. He played a greater role in escalating the US involvement in this war. Most notable, is his role in calling upon the congress and the public to support US active combat involvement in the Vietnam war, after some false information that the North Vietnam army had attacked two US destroyers in August 1964.2 Through the advice of Robert McNamara, the president ordered a retaliatory attack on the North Vietnam army bases. This was the first of McNamara’s involvement in fuelling active war. The lesson learnt from this, owing to the fact that he reacted to false information that the North Vietnamese had attacked the US forces, is that his judgment was not right. A second mistake done by Robert McNamara in his war endeavors is the support of the US attack of the South Vietnamese in 1965, after a consideration that together with their Northern allies, they were increasing their military activity.1 The US entered into combat in South Vietnam bombing it in a more devastating manner and started bombing North Vietnam. 10 This is yet another failure by Robert McNamara, since he engaged in the encouragement of the troops to engage in acti

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Message to Garcia Essay Example for Free

A Message to Garcia Essay A Message to Garcia is an award winning essay written in 1899. It serves as an inspiration to some as well as a lesson. In the essay President McKinley needed to have a message delivered to Garcia in the jungles of Cuba, he trusted one man with this mission, Rowan. He gave Rowan clear instructions on what to do. He gave him no tips nor told him any way he could complete this mission, he simply trusted Rowan to get the job done with his skill alone. What I’ve taken from this is the leadership and trust that is put into action throughout a unit. The company commander passes down an order to the platoon commander who in turn passes it down to the platoon sergeant and then to the squad leaders and fire team leaders who are tasked with accomplishing the mission. The trust that was put in Rowan is the same trust that is tasked throughout squads and fire teams. We have to be able to use the resources that we have on hand and the skills we learn throughout our training to be able to accomplish whatever mission and task is set before us. It gives examples at the end of the essay of different types of people who could be tasked out for missions but get lost along their way and lose sight of what needs to be done. It talks about people who need to do work when the â€Å"boss† is away and does work as well when he is at home. The man who when given an order doesn’t question it, but obeys without hesitation and does his job proficiently and thoroughly. The leaders who step up when it is needed and when it is not to be able to build trust in one another and earn the respect of his peers. A Message to Garcia highlights a prime example of the leadership that is need in a battalion, company, platoon and squad sized element, as well as the society we live in.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Pest Analysis Of The Bae Company Finance Essay

Pest Analysis Of The Bae Company Finance Essay This article want to analysis the five-year of financial data which from 2004 to 2008 of BAE ,in order to understand the companys business profitability and development capacity and found the further possibility to enhance the utilization efficiency of it ,so that to promote the investment activities of the enterprises business goal of maximizing value in accordance with a benign operation. Instruction BAE Systems is the merger of British Aerospace (BAE) and Marconi Electronic Systems (Marconi Electronic Systems) which was established in November 1999. In September 2004 BAE Systems acquired Alvis Vickers and merged it with its RO Defence ordnance division to form BAE Systems Land Systems.In June 2005 BAE Systems acquired United Defense and reorganised its land systems businesses into BAE Systems Land and Armaments, with Land Systems and Land Systems Hà ¤gglunds as subsidiaries of this U.S. based operating group. It is an international company engaged in the development,delivery and support of advanced defence and aerospace systems in the air,on land,at sea and in space. In 1999 the net sales of the company was 89.29 billion pounds (14.449 billion U.S. dollars)of which military sales was 5.837billion pounds. In 2000, it becamed the third of the worlds 100 largest military companies. Now, the company employed more than 100,000, and annual turnover of the company is 12.3 billion pounds and orders amounted to 37.5 billion pounds. PEST analysis of the BAE company 1.Politics. BAE Systems is a global company which conducts business in a number of regions, including the Middle East.Sales market over more than 130 countries, this brought great opportunities to the company. However,Government regulations and administrative policies of some countries could change quickly and restraints on the movement of capital could be imposed; governments could expropriate the Groups assets; burdensome taxes or tariffs could be introduced; political changes could lead to changes in the business environment in which the Group operates; and economic downturns, political instability and civil disturbances could disrupt the Groups business activities. New threats and conflict arenas are placing unprecedented demands on military forces and presenting BAE Systems with new challenges and opportunities to assist those forces in meeting changing defence and security needs.( Susana Callao,2007) 2.Economic and Society Global passenger traffic is forecast to increase by approximately 5% per year. Strong growth is expected in Asia and the Middle East and lower growth in the more mature North American and European markets. The market for large commercial jets is forecast to continue to grow on the back of rising passenger travel. Annual revenue passenger kilometres (RPKs) are forecast to grow by approximately 5% through to 2023 creating an expected average demand of some 830 aircraft deliveries a year. The US represents over 45% of the total forecast global defence spend (including equipment, personnel and operating costs) to 2010. Defense and transport development brings a huge market demand for the BAE. 3.Technology BAE Systems has played an important role in transatlantic,most notably has advanced technology in the M777 howitzer and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter programmes. The US and the UK have a long history of defence industrial cooperation that has provided significant benefits to both countries.In todays environment of coalition operations it would be the advantage of both governments and defence industries to allow and,indeed, to encourage freer technology sharing between the UK and the US. For BAE Systems an improved technology sharing environment would enable its engineers and scientists in the US and the UK to collaborate more effectively,and bring together their collective skills and expertise to the benefit of its two major customers, the UK and US governments,as well as to its shareholders. Review and anlaysis of company stratey 1.Pricing policiys. BAE companys major pricing policy is before business sales occure sign fixed price contracts with clients. Large part of the companys sales come from fixed-price contract. Because the companys largest partner is the United States, the U.S. team a great need for defense products, so the business mainly occure in sectors such as government troops, using a fixed-price sales contracts to ensure fixed sales and also to simplify transactions. 2.Market position.BAE Systems has major operations across five continents and customers in some 130 countries. Global businessof the company is based around six home markets in US, Saudi Arabia Australia, Sweden ,South Africa, and the UK. It is the worlds second-largest defense company and the third-largest Airlines defense and also the third-largest electronics Airlines. 3.Comparison with that of its competitors. The Groups business is subject to Significant competition. Most of the Groups businesses are focused on the defence industry and subject to competition from national and multi-national arms with substantial resources and capital, and many contracts are obtained through a competitive bidding process.( Tim Sutton,2004)The Groups ability to compete for contracts depends to a large extent on the effectiveness and innovation of its research and development programmes, its ability to offer better programme performance than its competitors at a lower cost to its customers, and the readiness of its facilities, equipment and personnel to undertake the programmes for which it competes. 4.Development Strategy of BAE Systems BAE Systems is a large international companies who has the responsibilities to its clients shareholders, employees and partners.Its strategy goal is to maximize the interests of shareholders. In order to achieve the companys strategic goals, the Board promotes to enhance the companys culture atmosphere and establish Operational Framework. .That is based on principles of good governance, aset of definitions, values, policies and processes that guide the companys work and behaviour, and a uesful system of delegated authority(David Tyrrall,2007). In order to realise the management of the companys business and deliver their strategy,the Operational Framework covers all wholly andmajority-owned businesses and describes the Groups mehods to its organisation, culture which including ethical principles of business conduct, values and governance framework vision, delegated authorities , and corebusiness processes. Financial Analysis for BAE Systems Industry Analysis In the global aerospace and defense industries Europe accounts for 19.6% of the global markets value. In 2004 the European aerospace and defense market grew by 0.9% which reached a value of $249.9 billion. The civil aerospace sector generated the second largest revenues in 2004, reaching a value of $62.3 billion, equivalent to 24.9% of the markets value.In the next five years, it is expected to be greatly growth. By 2009, the market is forecast to reach a value of $278.2 billion, which equates to a CAGR of 2.2% in the 2004-2009 period, higher than the global market as a whole. However, Asia-Pacific will see spending rise by 4% per annum while the US market is predicted to decline with a 0.6% rate over the same period.During thie time the third biggest aerospace and defense company it will also play an increasingly important role in operation and management in the future. BAE Systems recorded revenues of $20 billion during the fiscal year 2005, an increase of 25% over 2004. The operating profit of the company was $1.6 billion during fiscal year 2005, an increase of 16.3% over 2004. The net profit was $1 billion in fiscal year 2005, compared to a net profit of $5.5 million in fiscal 2004.Rolls Royce is the leading player in the global civil aerospace, defense aerospace, marine and energy markets. Compared to BAE systemss business performance, Rolls Royce company recorded revenues of $7.4 billion during the fiscal year 2005, an increase of 5.2% over 2004. The increase was primarily attributable to an increase in revenues from the companys civil aerospace division. The operating profit of the company during fiscal 2005 was $397.5 million, an increase of 43.5% over fiscal 2004. The European aerospace and defense market generated total revenues of $234.9 billion in 2005, this representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.3% for the five-year period spanning 2002-2006. The US and Asia-Pacific markets grew over the same period with CAGRs of 6.7% and 3.4% respectively, to reach the values of $502.6 billion and $157.2 billion in 2006. BAE systems occupies an important position in the industry. In the whole industry it can realized its business very well. The following financial analysis is to analyze 2004 to 2008, the specific circumstances of these years. Here collect the relevant data of the BAE for five years. These data which is important can best reflects the companys operation. The preparation of data sheets is as follow. The following analysis mairly use dynamic ratio of fixed base method and ues the data of 2004 as a fixed base period to analyze the indicators. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Five-year summary Income statement à ®- ³ à ®- ³ à ®- ³ à ®- ³ à ®- ³ 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 Sales including Groups share of equity accounted investments 4,459 3,916 4,007 3,697 3,063 Electronics,IntelligenceSuppo rLandArmaments 6,407 3,538 2,115 1,270 482 Programmes Support 4,638 5,327 4,615 4,660 International 3,333 3,359 3,428 3,138 Programmes 2219 Customer Solutions Support 2,856 Integrated Systems Partnerships 2,022 HQ Other Businesses 235 243 295 471 464 Intra-operating group sales (529) (673) (695) (655) (417) 18,543 15,710 13,765 12,581 10,689 Underlying EBITA6 (restated) Electronics, Intelligence Support 506 437 429 324 256 Land Armaments 566 324 168 86 (8) Programmes Support 491 456 331 261 International 35 435 412 403 Programmes 10 Customer Solutions Support 497 Integrated Systems Partnerships 95 HQ Other Businesses (101) (203) (146) (117) (50) 1,897 1,449 1,194 957 800 Profit/(loss) on disposal of businesses 238 40 13 (4) Uplift on acquired inventories (12) (44) EBITA5 2,135 1,477 1,207 909 800 Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets (424) (297) (139) (122) (110) Finance costs including share of equity accounted investments 697 93 (174) (196) (132) Profit before taxation 2,408 1,273 894 591 558 Taxation expense including shar e of equity accounted investments (640) (373) (248) (147) (219) Profit for the year from continuing operations 1,768 900 646 444 339 Profit/(loss) for the year from discontinued operations 22 993 111 (336) Profit for the year 1,768 922 1,639 555 3 Balance sheet Intangible assets 12,306 9,559 7,595 8,217 6,115 Property, plant and equipment, and investment property 2,558 1,887 1,869 1,922 1,901 Non-current investments 1,040 787 678 1,730 1,535 Inventories 926 701 395 485 498 Payables (excluding cash on customers account) less receivables (5,866) (5,373) (4,298) (4,596) (3,891) Other financial assets and liabilities 240 52 6 (7) Retirement benefit obligations (3,365) (1,629) (2,499) (4,101) (3,210) Provisions ( 845) (809) (695) (718) (491) Net tax 256 63 648 1,012 876 Net cash/(debt) 39 700 435 (1,277) (668) Disposal groups held for sale 64 137 Minority interests (55) (36) (17) (16) (10) Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 7,234 5,966 4,117 2,788 2,655 Financial statement and cash flow analysis, After the 2003 recession, Europes aerospace industry will experience a steady growth phase. As prediction, there will be a 3.9% annually growth, which is also reflected in BAE Systems financial report after 2004. Profitability Analysis Profitability mainly in Revenues ,Sales, Operating profit, Order book, Return on sales, Net cash, and Cash inflow from operating activitie. The company recorded revenues of $20 billion during the fiscal year ended December 2005, an increase of 25% over 2004. The operating profit of the company was $1.6 billion during fiscal year 2005, an increase of 16.3% over 2004. The net profit was $1 billion in fiscal year 2005, compared to a net profit of $5.5 million in fiscal 2004.And for the company Europe Aerospace Defense in 2005 it generated revenues of $42.5 billion, an increase of 7.7% on the previous year. The European aerospace defense market generated total revenues of $184.3 billion in 2008, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9% for the period spanning 2004-2008. However the BAE system has higher the average. Sales represents the amounts derived from the provision of goods and services, and includes the Groups share of sales of its equity accounted investments. Compared with 2004,the sales of BAE increased by 14.2% in 2005,2.1%in 2006,16.4% in 2007 and 37.6% in 2008. Overall,BAEs sales revenue is in a increase trend. Starting in 2006, a significant increase had been showed and compared with 2007 the sales of 2008 increased by 18%.he significant increase in sales in 2008 has primarily been caused by the Land Armaments operating group due to high armoured wheeled vehicle volumes in the US and full- year impact of the Armor acquisition. This shows that BAEs products have strong market potential. Operating profit.Operating profit is a indicatore to measure of business efficiency. BAE Systems recorded revenues of 16,671 million in the financial year 2008 which is an increase of 16.5% over 2007. For the 2008, the US which is the companys largest geographic market, accounted for 56.4% of the total revenues. Operating profit in 2008 is 2.2 times of 2004,in 2007 it increased 52.1%,from  ¿Ã‚ ¡774m in 2004 to  ¿Ã‚ ¡1177m. Operating profit is showing the trend of rising year by year reflects a good profitability of BAEs business. There is a very good market prospects of the enterprise. Inventory turnover.Decline in inventory turnover .However, when compared with the same industry Boeing it is still very high. Accounts receivable turnover in 2005 and 2006 was lower than that in the other early years. However, in 2007 and 2008, BAEs accounts receivable turnovera increased substantially ¼Ã…’Total asset turnover ratio is relatively stable, but slightly higher than the industry standard. Order book.Order book reflect the popularity of the product, it also shows the potential of products in the market.However, the number of orders can not be a comprehensive response to the operating performance of companies.Between 2005 and 2004,the order book was increasing ,while in 2006 the book order was only 31.7 bn ,reduced almost by 37%.then there was a recover and in 2008 the order book was 46.5bn although it was still less than 2004. Reduction in order book illustrates the business sales market in the shrinking.Reduction in main business volume, indicating that the development of enterprises might have gone wrong strategy. Return on sales.From the table it can be seen that the return on sales is increasing year by year , But the order is indeed the in reduction.The Prorfit for the year in 2006 is very high however the cash inflow from operating activities in this year was the lest. It may be there is something can not be reflect in the financial report, the other businesses increasing cause income to increase,so it is not be reflect in the financial report which is about the return on sales. Cash inflow from operating activitie.Cash inflow from operating activities is used to determine the the actual gap between companys operating cash flow and financial reporting operating income or net income. (Hans,2007) . From the table that the operating business cash flow show a downward trend during the five years.That is to say compared with 2004 the cash inflow from operating activities reduced by 10.7% in 2005, 61.1%,in 2006, 8% in 2007, 14.5%, in 2008.The 2008 reduction in operating business cash flow largely reflects utilisation of Saudi Typhoon advances received in 2007 and an agreed repayment to the UK Ministry of Defence in respect of the Astute programme.However, it reflacted there is something wrong with the companys cash flow. Net cash. The cash flow was  ¿Ã‚ ¡700m in 2006,however, in 2007 it reduced by 28% and becomed to  ¿Ã‚ ¡435m,even worse in 2008, it is only  ¿Ã‚ ¡39m. In 2008, 83.43% of the cash flow ratio is too high compared to the same industry. Capital utilization rate is low, so a decline in cash flow to investors is a positive message. And in 2008 29.65 percent of the cash-flow ratio compared to the industry is relatively high. The company Europe Aerospace Defense recorded a net cash of $2.1 billion up 40% in an average . The reduction of the net cash flow shows that there is some problem in the cash inflow of the company,it may have a bad effect on the operating and develpoment of BAE. However overall level still very high for the company . Solvency analysis. Overall there is a very strong solvency.In particular, in year 2005 and 2006, current ratio were more than 2 ¼Ã…’quick ratio exceeds 1.But it is also the performance of the low efficiency of fund utilizationà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Although the 2007 and 2008, the flow rate and the liquid have declined more .But does not affect the solvency ¼Ã…’and the increased utilization of funds. Assets is responsible for rising rates, leading to long-term solvency has been reduced low ¼Ã…’But the asset-liability ratio does not exceed 50% ,the long-term solvency remains strong. Analysis of share price performance Comments on company management/board of directors and the stock market The Board promotes a common culture and identity through the Operational Framework. It sets out the way we do business and what it means to be part of the Group. It is the Groups framework for a sound system of internal controls. All employees are required to comply with the Operational Framework in their business conduct. The BAE Companys TSR (share price growth plus dividends) ranking relative to a comparator group of 18 other international defence and aerospace companies such as Boein,General Dynamics,Raytheon ,Cobham,Dassault Aviation,EADS,Embraer PN,Finmeccanica and so on.. None of the shares vest if the Companys TSR is outside the top 50% of TSRs achieved by the sectoral comparator group and 100% vest if it is in the top quintile (ie top 20%) as set out below(Herve,2006) Rationale for performance measures: importance to major investors as an indication of both earnings and capital growth relative to other major companies in the same sector and to ensure that awards only vest if there has been a clear improvement in the Companys performance over the relevant period. EBITA . EBITA refers to a companys income before the deduction of interest, tax and amortization expenses. It is also consistent with the profi t measure which is used by BAE to analysis internal performance and as a measure of operating profitability that is comparable over time.à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Underlying EBITA increased 86.7% in 2008 which reaches to  ¿Ã‚ ¡1,897m compared with 2004,and 31% compared witn 2007.according to the calculation ,compared with 2004, EBITA increased 45.4% in 2007,18.8% in 2006 and 16.3% in 2005. Underlying EBITA during the five years is increasing growth all the time . View of the circumstances from the BAE, there is a very good return on investment .That is very likely to achieve value and hedging to buy its stock. Underlying earnings per share. From the table it can be seen that Underlying EPS is 37.1p in 2008 which increases 23% compared with last year.And there is a 28.1% increase in 2007, 30.6% in 2006,29.3% in 2005.All these increase are compared with the year brfore. Companies and the stock market do not like fluctuating EPSs. In the past BAE EPS growth rate 35.25% ¼Ã…’growth potential is still very good and EPS Stability is very good too.Companies operate is stable and reasonable. The Underlying earnings per share of BAE does not fluctuate badly,so it is good for its sharehooders.And Underlying EPS continue to rise mainly reflecting higher underlying EBITA of the BAE. BAE as an aviation industry leader ¼Ã…’in the 2004-2008 years, the companys revenue and profit growth.From 2006 to 2008 BAEs profitability continued to rise.In particular, rising faster in 2008. Recommendation to investors Based on the above analysis,it can be seen the companys operating capacity is very light, and development prospects is very good,its position in the industry is also high. The company will continue to develop, and will continue to grow. With the recovery in economic development, the companys operations development will gradually resume, which will cause the Companys stock price rebound. Therefore, the long-term investors can look up a little,and continue to hold its shares, to realise the purpose of increasing the value of their money. For short-term investors they will have to stage development according to the company, select the appropriate strategy to achieve their own purposes. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Weaknesses BAE achieved with many business acquations, and establish friendly and long-term relationship with the United Kingdom and other countries, through the merger, the companys growth has been greatly improved. Diversified business The company has advanced technical level. Strong growth in revenue and profits Relatively low employee productivity Unfunded employee post retirement benefits Sluggish performance in key segments Fixed-price contracts risk The Group is exposed to risks inherent in operating in a global market. The Group is involved in consortia, joint ventures and equity holdings where it does not have control. Opportunities Threats With the intensification of regional conflicts more demand for defense products is also increasing, thus creating a large demand for the companys products, especially the United States, defense products demand is very huge. Huge international market and the demand for defense products offers great opportunities for BAEs development. Growth in global aerospace and defense Intense competition High dependence on government contracts Recommendations Minimize the fixed-price contract and control the initiative rests in its own hands.At the same time to manage contract-related risks andà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬uncertainties, contracts are managed through theà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬application of the Lifecycle Management (LCM)à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬business process mandated by the Groups Operationalà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Framework at the operational level ¼Ã… ½(Flower,1998) The Group has formal systems and policies in place which are mandated under the Groups Operational Framework to ensure adherence to regulatory requirements and to identify any restrictions that could adversely impact the Groups future activities. The Group has formal systems and procedures in place to monitor the performance of such business arrangements and identify and manage any adverse scenario arising. In order to protect itself against currency uctuations, the Groups policy is to hedge all materialrm transactional exposures, unless otherwise approved as an exception by the Treasury Review Management Committee, as well as to manage anticipated economic cash ow exposures over the medium term. Conclusion BAE in a leading position in the aviation industry .Both operating profit margin or asset turnover ratio is higher than the level of the same industry.However, compared with other companies in the industry, the use of financial leverage is not very good, capital utilization rate is not high. From the above there is still great room for BAE development.The future development considerations from the following two ¼Ã… ¡One is to raise operating margin ¼Ã…’Second, make full use of financial leverage effect,because of its financial leverage below the level of the same industry. The most important thing for the company is upgrading in innovation and technological.Encourage the development of a new ideology ¼Ã…’new technologies and new ways of working and bring them with a lasting competitive edge. And for the investors, because in the past BAE EPS growth rate 35.25% ¼Ã…’growth potential is still very good and EPS Stability is very good too,so they can buy stocks of the company at present time.( David Tyrrall,2007)Under the financial Crisis, government purchases declined, but as the recovery of the financial environment the companys business will increase, operating profits will increase substantially.Therefore, with the improvement of operating conditions the stock price will be in a good direction.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Changing Attitudes of Stakeholders Towards CSR

Changing Attitudes of Stakeholders Towards CSR I. Introduction: Today, the businesses are more sensitive than with the problems affecting communities and their field activities. A narrow ideological is just only the benefits and the profits of the enterprise itself, which is not longer relevant. The capacity building and awareness for businesses are the driving force to help them accelerate the process of consideration and attention to social aspects when making business decisions. Increasingly, businesses must not only gain competitive advantage, reap the profits, but to create confidence for consumers through the implementation of social responsibility Consumers are not only pay attention to quality and price of goods, they have paid more attention to the effects of production on the environment.. Therefore, to further enhance corporate social responsibility is seen as essential requirements to ensure the sustainable development of the economy. Businesses increasingly interested in corporate social responsibility activities because society increasingly poses more requirements for enterprises. Businesses benefit from the resources from the community so they must be responsible for contributing to the community. It does not mean companies do corporate social responsibility is really responsible that actually bring many benefits for businesses that typically enhance business reputation. Derived from the roots of corporate social responsibility, it means that a business should consider other things more out of profits if the business wants to protect his reputation and more for increased competitive advantage for Business. II. The role of international multilateral organization and media in corporate social responsibility 1. Social responsibility of enterprises: Social responsibility of enterprises includes many issues. Firstly, businesses must ensure their activities do not cause harm to the environment, which means to show the friendliness with environment in the production processes and their business activities. Wastes from the production process must be handled through a process safe and friendly to environment. Hygiene of staff is also a matter of concern. Employees need to learn to raise awareness of environmental protection work around them. To ensure a clean environment will also contribute to raising productivity and improving work efficiency. The following is a typical example for the successful implementation of environmental safety issues of the business. Corporation Pharmaceutical and veterinary supplies (HANVET) was established on 01/10/1988. Over 20 years of construction and development, to date, the company has become one of the veterinary Drug Business in Vietnam. With over 400 employees, including professors, doctors, veterinarians skilled professional, plus the force skilled workers, equipped with mechanical systems, modern equipment, advanced technology, the company has been continuously offering quality products, giving practical effect to farmers and environmentally safe. The company soon plans and programs to implement environmental protection, regularly organizes periodic training on the knowledge of occupational safety for officers and employees. Every year, the company maintains the observation impact on the environment, timely corrective plan for repair and upgrades to ensure products meet sanitation standards. Domestic wastewater has high organic matter content, so the company has used methods for microbiological water treatment. Domestic wastes from offices, restaurants, public toilets are estimated to be 12m3/day is processed by methods of anaerobic (septic tank) before being discharged into the receiving source. Wastewater of production is including cooling water, sanitation closed bottle of medicine in liquid formà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦company is using biological methods combined physicochemical to ensure the entire process and inorganic solids in wastewater. Through various water treatment systems intermediary, the water was given the biology lake to deposit sediment. The water in lake discharge standards TCVN 5945 1945, level B, will follow the sewage system spilled sewage system area. HANVET product veterinary drug so solid waste mainly containing packaging material, empty medicine bottles closed form solution, peel packages containing pills, powders, equipment replacement, sludge from wastewater treatment systems, slag, Therefore, the company has built warehouses to hold all types of solid waste. For solid waste can be recycled, collected, classified for use, solid waste is not recyclable, the company signed a contract with the company to collect and transport units arrive with hygienic treatment. In addition to the waste treatment measures, a technology that the company is more focused investment in research and applications contribute to environmental protection that is oil sludge processing technology using biodegradable of system. Through this system, the toxic sludge on the environment has become a useful fertilizer for crops. In 2004, at Green Week Fair International in Haiphong, HANVET was awarded the Cup of sustainable development for the Green Industry of Vietnam by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. (Source Website: Secondly, enterprises must take care to employees, who serve not only materially but also spiritually. They produce directly products, serve their labor power for the development of the company. The Company need care to workers, such as annual health check, social welfare, trade unions, safety in production Third, enterprises shall respect the equality between men and women, not employment discrimination about gender and salaries that must be based on equality of each persons capacity. Some countries such as China, Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦or more than as South American countries, the U.S. still exists gender discrimination issues. Next, may not discriminate in ethnic group, not discriminating between normal and impaired body, their past. Another one, providing good quality product, not harm the health of consumers. Continue, to a portion of their profits to the aid community, because enterprise exists in the heart of a community that they can not just be know themselves. Last one, they must enjoy contribute the peace and security of the country and world. Through that, we can see at least four groups that businesses are been responsible behavior, including: +Market and consumers +Employees +Community in the region and in society +Living Environment The benefits of building good social responsibility of business was express clearly by: Constructions reputation and brand value Strengthen the commitment of workers and enterprises Improve the financial capacity through cost-saving activities of the business and increase share value Ensure the sustainable development of enterprises Risk management and crisis better Increase productivity, ethics and dedication of worker Increased ability to attract a quality workforce Establish good relationships with government and community A good tool to integrate Over the world, the leading large companies have adopted corporate social responsibility plan successfully such as: Burgerville is a chain of restaurants serving quality fast efficiently, saving time. They have invested $ 1.4 millions in health insurance to care for employees. That investment was paid off, work productivity of employees increased dramatically higher. Burgerville began paying over 90% of each of its 1,050 hourly employees premiums in January 2006 as part of Holland Inc. s (the parent companys) mission statement of Serve with Love. To qualify, employees are required to have already worked in the restaurant for 20-plus hours a week for 6 months and agree to pay a monthly $15 for coverage. (Feel good fast food. January 21, 2008 Some enterprises have put corporate social responsibility into their business strategies. Typically, these social programs such as 6 million cups of milk for children Vietnam and funds scholarships fireflies light of the big brands like Vinamilk, Dutch Lady has resonated and consumer support households. Vinamilk will be awarded 6 million cups of milk which the equivalent of $ 25 billion for a total of 48,000 children throughout Vietnam. Each child was selected who will be drank Vinamilk 2 times/day throughout months. The main objective of the program are 18,000 primary school pupils from 15 provinces who have difficulties about economic of the 15 provinces and 30,000 thousands of disabled children, orphans, have special circumstances around the country. (Source and HYPERLINK 31/03/200931/03/2009) 2. Social responsibility of media: Beside companies, media also plays an important role in corporate social responsibility (CSR). The first role is to support an efficient way for businesses to promote corporate social responsibility programs. Enterprises can use mass media to inform the community and other stakeholders which are aware of CSR activities of their company. This is a useful tool for people who do PR for brand development and image of a product or an organization while ensuring the professional ethics of the PR industry which has met the wishes of the owner Industry. Especially in industries where the quality and price of products is almost equal, consumers will become more disturbed in making decisions, their choices. In that cases, users often choose products according to sensory and their liking so that CSR can be seen as an effective method to increase business reputation, or otherwise increase feelings of consumers to brand your product or business, it is increasing revenue for the company. The media has a direct influence thinking and actions of people and politicians. If used appropriately, the media can perform tasks inform, educate, reassure, make connections and understanding, suggesting the optical center, favorites, or create the ability to accept a situation that occurs when out. More and more people realize that all organizations whether large or small, public or private, limited liability or joint stock, which has more responsibility in their activities. Today, the media and the public are always interested in optical their activities than ever before. The communication principle is similar in scope to apply different organizations bloc private organizations, voluntary, charitable or non-charitable. The significant increase in number and frequency of operation of the charitable organization has led to public demand for domestic and international recognition and appreciation are higher. This is the cause of the appearance of a series of media activities. The role of me dia is to inform and guide the public and the media reports, make them known to your organization, explain the nature of work and general activities of the organization. III. Recommendation: In the 21st century, in the globalization economy, when human consciousness about the risks to the environment, the demand for social responsibility increased as required to control emissions of cars circulating on the streets, controlling dust levels in residential areas, etc. To sum up, corporate social responsibility social responsibility is seen as committed for mental, moral, cultural, for families, local communities and society, employees and environment. In market economies, individuals and businesses are actions that are best for them under the law permits. CSR is committed to the companys behavior in line with the advantage of society in activities related to the advantage of customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and environment. SCR is considered a category of business ethics (Business Ethics) relating to all business activities of enterprises. Media is a part important of SCR which contributes to the formation of peoples thinking and success of the bus iness. The media is grower, the faster, more sensitiveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ IV. REFERENCES: Feel good fast food. January 21, 2008 Source and HYPERLINK 31/03/200931/03/2009) Wikipedia The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits by Milton Friedman. In The New York Times Magazine, September 13, 1970 Media SCR Forum Why Social Media Is Vital to Corporate Social Responsibility

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Contributions of the P-51 Mustang to the Victory of the Allies :: World War Two American History Essays

The Contributions of the P-51 Mustang to the Victory of the Allies This paper deals with the contributions of the P-51 Mustang to the eventual victory of the Allies in Europe during World War II. It describes the war scene in Europe before the P-51 was introduced, traces the development of the fighter, its advantages, and the abilities it was able to contribute to the Allies' arsenal. It concludes with the effect that the P-51 had on German air superiority, and how it led the destruction of the Luftwaffe. The thesis is that: it was not until the advent of the North American P-51 Mustang fighter, and all of the improvements, benefits, and side effects that it brought with it, that the Allies were able to achieve air superiority over the Germans. This paper was inspired largely by my grandfather, who flew the P-51 out of Leiston, England, during WW II and contributed to the eventual Allied success that is traced in this paper. He flew over seventy missions between February and August 1944, and scored three kills against German fighters. Table of Contents Introduction Reasons for the Pre-P-51 Air Situation The Pre-P-51 Situation The Allied Purpose in the Air War The Battle at Schweinfurt The Development of the P-51 The Installation of the Merlin Engines Features, Advantages, and Benefits of the P-51 The P-51's Battle Performance The Change in Policy on Escort Fighter Function P-51's Disrupt Luftwaffe Fighter Tactics P-51's Give Bombers Better Support Conclusion Works Cited Introduction On September 1, 1939, the German military forces invaded Poland to begin World War II. This invasion was very successful because of its use of a new military strategic theory -- blitzkrieg. Blitzkrieg, literally "lightning war," involved the fast and deadly coordination of two distinct forces, the Wermacht and the Luftwaffe. The Wermacht advanced on the ground, while the Luftwaffe destroyed the enemy air force, attacked enemy ground forces, and disrupted enemy communication and transportation systems. This setup was responsible for the successful invasions of Poland, Norway, Western Europe, the Balkans and the initial success of the Russian invasion. For many years after the first of September, the air war in Europe was dominated by the Luftwaffe. No other nation involved in the war had the experience, technology, or numbers to challenge the Luftwaffe's superiority. It was not until the United States joined the war effort that any great harm was done to Germany and even then, German air superiority remained unscathed. It was not until the advent of the North American P-51 Mustang fighter, and all of the improvements, benefits, and side effects that it brought with it, that the Allies were able to achieve air superiority over the Germans. Reasons for the Pre-P-51 Air Situation The continued domination of the European skies by the Luftwaffe was caused by two factors, the first of which was the difference in military theory

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

English Essay -- English Literature

English The Crucible Essay The Crucible, a tale of superstition and tyrannical oppression set to shake our complacency and make us think. Arthur Miller, the author of this compelling play, deals with controversial issues and subjects which could be classed as taboo such as infidelity and witchcraft. He has a rare talent when it comes to writing and conveying human emotions to his audience. Act 2 opens in the ‘common room’ of Proctor’s house. John Proctor arrives later than usual after a hard days work. Carrying his gun he enters the â€Å"low, dark and rather long living-room†. The stage directions not only suggest he is displeased with his food upon tasting it - he meddles with the pot situated on the fire: â€Å"Then he lifts out the ladle and tastes. He is not quite pleased†¦Ã¢â‚¬  - but also suggest that the setting in which this takes place is depressing and lifeless, symbolising the feelings that are conjured up in John when entering his ‘home’. The first words spoken between husband and wife are Elizabeth questioning his whereabouts in a very accusational way ‘What keeps you so late? It’s dark.’. There is no reaction from John just an honest reply as if Elizabeth had no double meaning to her inquiry, no Hi or Hello in sight. From then onwards basic chit-chat such as the farm and the weather ‘Pray now for a fair summer’ fill their conversation. The little conversation that they manage to force feels stunted and false as both John and Elizabeth are being too polite - not as man and wife should behave. John manages to eat a whole meal but they only speak six or more times leaving much of the time to be filled by uncomfortable silence. Elizabeth watches the reaction of her husband when he tastes her .. ... utter despair. The confession of John’s left her feeling vulnerable and alone. Her suspicion of her husband is so strong because of her low self-esteem and insecurities. Abigail threatens her. What is she to do? Everyday she is faced with the reminder that she wasn’t enough for the love of her life but she has no choice - she cannot leave. Society had not yet accepted even the concept of divorce, especially Practising Catholics like themselves. People judged their neighbours and it mattered about keeping up appearances. There would be no way Elizabeth could have confided in a ‘friend’ about her husband’s infidelity and there was absolutely no way she could walk out on her marriage - divorce was out of the question. Though it may be all dead and buried and laid to rest in John’s mind, for Elizabeth the wounds are just as deep as the day they were made.